Car Key Damage

When it comes to owning a car, one of the most important components is your car keys. They are essential for getting into and starting your vehicle. Unfortunately, car key damage is one of the most common issues that drivers face. Car keys can be susceptible to damage from heat, dust, moisture, and other environmental factors. In addition, they are prone to being dropped or otherwise mishandled.

This could lead to locksmith services being needed in order to replace them; which can be time-consuming and costly. Understanding what causes car key damage and how you can prevent it can save you time, money, and hassle in the long run.

Your car key is more than just a piece of metal. It’s your gateway to your vehicle, and without it, you’re stuck. That’s why it’s important to take good care of your car key and protect it from damage.

In this article, we’ll discuss the most common causes of car key damage and give you tips on how to prevent it. Whether you have a traditional key or a keyless entry system, we’ll show you how to keep your keys in good condition for a longer life.

We’ve all been there. You’re in a rush to get somewhere and you fumble around for your car key, only to find that it doesn’t work because it’s broken.

Not only is it infuriating to deal with a broken key, but it can be expensive too! Even if you manage to unlock your vehicle, they usually need replacing, not to mention the cost of getting someone out to do this.

Next time you have an issue with your car key, get San Antonio Locksmith on the line! Our experienced locksmiths can repair or replace your broken car keys quickly and affordably – saving you money and stress in one go.


The Most Common Causes of Car Key Damage & How to Prevent It

The most common causes of car key damage are:

1. Wear and Tear

Over time, your car key will naturally wear down from use. The constant turning and twisting can cause the key to weaken, making it more susceptible to damage. Additionally, exposure to dirt and debris can cause the key to become clogged or even break.

To prevent wear and tear, you should avoid putting unnecessary stress on your car key. This means avoiding excessive twisting and turning, as well as keeping your key clean and free of debris. You can also consider getting a protective cover for your key to help prevent damage.

2. Accidents

Accidents happen, and unfortunately, they can also damage your car key. Dropping your key on a hard surface or getting it caught in a car door can cause dents, scratches, and even breakage.

To prevent accidents, you should always be mindful of your keys and where you place them. Try to keep your keys in a safe place, away from any potential hazards. Additionally, you can consider investing in a keychain or lanyard to keep your keys secure and easily accessible.

3. Exposure to Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can also cause damage to your car key. Excessive heat or cold can cause the key to warp or even crack, making it difficult or impossible to use.

To prevent damage from extreme temperatures, you should avoid leaving your keys in direct sunlight or in a car that is too hot or too cold. If you must leave your keys in your car, try to keep them in a cool, shaded area.

4. Moisture and Water Damage

Moisture and water can also cause damage to your car key. Exposure to water can cause rust and corrosion, making it difficult to turn or even insert your key into the lock.

To prevent water damage, you should always keep your keys dry and avoid exposing them to moisture. If your keys do get wet, be sure to dry them off as soon as possible.

5. Keyless Entry System Malfunctions

If you have a keyless entry system, it’s important to keep it in good condition. Malfunctions can occur due to electrical problems, programming issues, or other technical problems.

To prevent malfunctions, you should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for programming and using your keyless entry system. Additionally, you should regularly inspect the system for any signs of damage, such as fraying wires or corrosion.

If you notice any problems, contact your dealer or the manufacturer immediately to have the system inspected and repaired if necessary.

Finally, it’s a good idea to invest in an aftermarket tracking device that can be used with your keyless entry system. This way, if your vehicle is ever stolen or lost, you can quickly and easily locate it using the tracking device.


Tips to Prevent Car Key Damage

1. Keep your car keys away from magnets or other strong electromagnetic fields: Magnets can interfere with the electronic components of your car keys, potentially causing damage. Keep your car keys away from things like speakers, TVs, and other items that contain powerful magnets.

2. Avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures: Sudden changes in temperature, extreme heat, or cold can all cause damage to car keys. Try to keep them at room temperature as much as possible and avoid leaving them inside a hot vehicle for extended periods of time.

3. Handle with care: Dropping your car key onto hard surfaces can be very damaging due to its delicate electronic components. Be sure to handle your car keys carefully and try not to drop them.

4. Don’t tackle repairs on your own: Repairs or modifications to car keys must be done by a professional technician who has the right tools and expertise. Do not attempt to do it yourself as this could cause further damage.

5. Store in a safe place: Make sure you store your car key in a secure, safe place when it is not being used. This reduces the risk of theft and other types of damage that can occur if it is left unattended for too long.

6. Invest in protective cases: If your car key does not come with any type of protective case, you may want to consider investing in one. Protective cases will ensure your car key remains safe and secure.

7. Get regular checkups: Have your car key checked by a professional technician on a regular basis to ensure it is functioning properly and any potential issues are addressed in a timely manner. This will help prevent further damage from occurring.

Following these tips can help protect your car keys from damage and extend their lifespan. Keeping your car keys safe and well-maintained is an important part of keeping your vehicle running smoothly for years to come.


FAQs About Car Key Damage


What should I do if my car key is damaged?

If your car key is damaged, it’s important to determine whether the problem lies with the key or with the lock. Depending on the type of damage, you can either repair or replace the key. If it’s a minor issue, like a broken plastic casing around the key, then it may be possible to simply fix it yourself by replacing parts of the key and reassembling them.

However, if there is more significant damage such as a bent metal blade in the key, then you may need to have a professional locksmith make a new replacement.


Will any locksmith be able to help me repair my car key?

Not all locksmiths have the expertise or equipment needed to create a car key, so it is important to make sure that they are qualified to do the job. Some locksmiths specialize in automotive work and will be able to provide key-cutting and programming services as well as repair any damaged keys. In addition, you may need to provide the locksmith with proof of ownership and a valid photo ID.


How much does it cost to repair a damaged car key?

The cost of repairing or replacing a car key will depend on the type of damage and the make/model of your vehicle. Generally speaking, it can range from $50-$150. In addition, some locksmiths may charge a call-out fee for coming to repair the key at your location.


Will my car insurance cover the cost of repairing or replacing my car key?

It is unlikely that your car insurance will cover the cost of repairing or replacing your damaged keys. However, you can check your policy to see if it does include any coverage for an emergency locksmith service.


Have you ever experienced the frustration of a car key that is stuck, broken, or damaged?

Car keys can become damaged for many different reasons – from everyday wear and tear to more serious issues like mechanical failure or dirt buildup in the casing. San Anton Locksmith understands the common causes of car key damage and can help you protect your investment with preventative tips.

Our locksmith experts provide valuable advice on how to extend the life of your car key so it works smoothly over time. We will show you easy-to-follow steps on properly caring for your keys and avoiding potential damage before it happens. With our guidance, you won’t have to worry about dealing with unresponsive buttons or awkward handling again!


Contact San Anton Locksmith today for a free consultation on preventing any further issues with your car keys!